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Showing 17 to 24 of 61 results
Reform of Electoral Law and Practice
Elections were devolved to Wales through the Government of Wales Act 2017. Since then, Welsh Ministers have embarked on a programme of electoral reform most noted...
Well-being briefings for Public Services Boards
Public Services Boards (PSBs) are required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to produce well-being assessments every five years, in line with local...
Disabled Facilities Grants: Changing the means test
The Minister for Housing and Local Government asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy to explore the implications of removing the means test for small...
Education attainment: Responding to the Coronavirus pandemic
The Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated existing educational inequalities worldwide. Modelling of the impact of school closures in England suggests that ten years’ worth of efforts...
Connecting Communities: Building Relationships
The Wales Centre for Public Policy is partnering with Cardiff Council and Social Care Wales on a four-month National Institute for Health Research funded project...
The implications of the European transition for key economic sectors
The European Union is the most economically valuable international trading partner for Wales and the UK, accounting for 43% and 52% of total UK exports and imports...
Brexit and the NHS workforce
As part of the EU Transition Support Fund Grant received from the Welsh Government, the Welsh NHS Confederation commissioned the Wales Centre for Public Policy...
Post-Brexit migration and Wales
The UK Government plans to end free movement of people to the UK from EU countries and the proposed Immigration Bill will have significant implications...