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Publications 10 April 2024
How could Wales heat and build low-carbon homes by 2035?
Achieving net zero in Wales requires drastic reductions in emissions from new and existing buildings. Decarbonisation of domestic heating has a critical role to play...
Publications 28 March 2024
What could education, jobs and work look like across Wales by 2035?
Education and work form the backbone of people’s lives, as well as being of crucial importance to the economic and social development of Wales....
Publications 28 March 2024
Decarbonising Wales’ transport system while connecting people and places
Transport is the third highest greenhouse gas emitting sector in Wales. Decarbonising the transport sector while ensuring that the people and places of Wales are...
Publications 7 March 2024
Lived experience evidence in disability policy making
Welsh Government is committed to including lived experience evidence in policymaking wherever possible. This commitment was reinforced in disability policymaking following the publication of the...
Publications 18 December 2023
International approaches to population ageing and decline
There is a real risk of population decline in Wales, especially among the younger and working age populations, and especially if in-migration falls.
Publications 5 December 2023
How could Wales meet energy needs by 2035 while phasing out fossil fuels?
Our outputs show that, while reaching the 2035 target is achievable, it will require fast and sustained action to increase electricity generation.
Publications 12 August 2023
Multi-agency working in Cwm Taf Morgannwg
We have been working with key agencies in Cwm Taf Morgannwg to help them identify how they could improve their multi-agency working to support children...
Publications 25 July 2023
How could Wales feed itself in 2035?
To achieve the Welsh Government’s net zero ambitions, Wales needs to reduce its agricultural emissions through changes to farming practices and increased carbon sequestration,...