Dr Carol Campbell

Dr. Carol Campbell is Associate Professor of Leadership and Educational Change at OISE, University of Toronto. She is also Director of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research-Rseau d’change des connaissances pour la recherche applique en education (KNAER-RECRAE), a tripartite partnership between the Ontario Ministry of Education, University of Toronto and Western University to advance the mobilization and application of research for educational practice in Ontario.

Carol is well-known for her commitment to connecting research to policy and practice for educational improvement. From 2005 – 2010, Carol worked for the Ontario Ministry of Education, where she was Senior Executive Officer for The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, was appointed Ontario’s first Chief Research Officer for Education, and became the founding Director of the Education Research & Evaluation Strategy Branch. Carol has international experience also. In the United States, she was Executive Director of the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education, Stanford University. In the United Kingdom, she worked as an advisor at school district and government levels and was an academic at the Institute of Education, University of London. Originally from Scotland, Carol completed her Ph.D. at the University of Strathclyde.
