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Publications 20 March 2020
Strengthening economic resilience
In the face of economic uncertainty, policy makers are interested in how the economic resilience of economies might be strengthened. This report examines the evidence...
Publications 24 October 2019
Achieving a prosperous economy: insights from other nations and regions
This report summarises the evidence from approaches that have improved economic performance in a selection of areas in the UK and Europe. Identifying areas comparable...
Publications 16 October 2019
The Value of Trade Unions in Wales
Trade unions are an integral part of the Welsh Government’s social partnership model, and more broadly an essential part of the economic and social...
Publications 14 November 2018
Promoting Teacher Engagement with Research Evidence
The Centre was asked by the Cabinet Secretary for Education to review the evidence on how best to support teacher engagement with research. Working with...
Publications 13 November 2018
Maximising Universities’ Civic Contribution
This report understand universities’ civic mission as their commitment to bettering the local and regional communities of which they are part. A civic mission is...
Publications 6 November 2018
Promoting Job Progression in Low Pay Sectors
Today, being stuck in low-pay work is a real risk for many. In Wales, about 459,000 workers are employed in low-paying occupations, and almost two-thirds of...