Public Engagement and ‘A Healthier Wales’

This report considers how commitments on public engagement set out in A Healthier Wales (AHW) might be translated into an evidence-informed programme of activity.

Defining engagement is not easy; it can mean different things to different audiences and cover a wide spectrum of activities. However, at its core is the enabling of public involvement in decision-making processes.

There is wide-spread belief in the value of engagement and support for greater engagement activity that leads to visible outcomes and action in response.

However, there is a lack of clarity about the precise role of the public in the transformation agenda.

This report looks at the evidence on the potential value of engaging the public on:

  • Promoting healthy behaviours;
  • Adopting a more collaborative, engaged approach to care; and
  • Service redesign and reconfiguration.

It concludes by suggesting that service redesign or reconfiguration and wider systems change would sensibly be the focus of a specific programme of engagement for the transformation agenda.