How Should the Welsh Government Decide where to Locate its Overseas Offices?

Making sure Wales has the right web presence and creating roving teams to promote benefits of locating in Wales are just two recommendations from reports produced by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW).

Led by Professor Max Munday, an expert in inward investment based at Cardiff University’s Business School, the research found that Wales has less representation overseas than some of its competitor countries and regions.

The two reports – ‘Decisions, Decisions: How should the Welsh Government decide where to locate its Overseas Offices?’ and ‘Punching our Weight?  International Comparisons of the Location and Staffing of Overseas Offices’ also looked at the key factors that Welsh Government should take into account when deciding where to locate its international offices. It also found that improvements in information technology have significantly changed the role of overseas offices.

The study concludes that improvements in information technology have changed the role of overseas offices.  There is now less need to have people on the ground in overseas markets.  Ensuring the correct web presence in overseas locations is vital and creating and sustaining strong online content is also key.  But having mobile teams who can visit countries to make the most of specific opportunities could lead to significant savings and enhance the effectiveness of Wales’ representation overseas