Health and Social Care

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Publications 8 July 2022
What is the role of evidence in shaping suicide prevention policy in Wales?
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.¹ Across the globe, 800,000 people die by suicide every year, translating to approximately one suicide death...
Publications 11 January 2022
Challenges and Priorities for Health and Social Care in Wales
The challenges facing health and social care in Wales are complex and multifaceted. Systemic and workforce issues affect the smooth delivery of the health and...
Publications 30 September 2021
Well-being briefings for Public Services Boards
Public Services Boards (PSBs) are required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to produce well-being assessments every five years, in line with local...
Publications 10 March 2021
Disabled Facilities Grants: Changing the means test
In 2019 in Wales 22% of the population were disabled, with the disabled population projected to increase significantly by 2035. Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) are means-tested grants for...
Publications 9 March 2021
WCPP Evidence Briefing Papers
This series of evidence briefing papers summarises some of the key policy areas, challenges and opportunities that we have researched in recent years.
Commentary 17 February 2021
Domiciliary Care: what it’s really like?
A personal perspective from a registered Social Care Worker and Manager