Education Attainment: Responding to Coronavirus Workshops

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Date 22 June 2021

Who this event is for

This event is for educators, particularly teachers and headteachers from schools and colleges.

Dates available

22nd June 2021: 9.30am – 12.30pm

6th July 2021: 2pm – 5pm

Purpose of the event

Evidence suggests that the Coronavirus pandemic and associated school closures have increased the educational attainment gap.

Workshop objectives

The workshops will focus on the development, exemplification and implementation of the research findings related to blended teaching and learning; catch-up interventions; and professional development, and will explore:

  • What do the evidence findings look like in practice?
  • What are the enablers and barriers to implementing these recommendations?
  • What practice-based insights and examples need to be better reflected in the ‘evidence base’?

Agenda (Total – 3 hours)

  1. Welcome and introductions (20 mins)
  2. Presentation on catch-up interventions (10 mins)
  3. Discussion (35 mins)
  4. Comfort break (10 mins)
  5. Presentation on blended teaching and learning (10 mins)
  6. Discussion (35 mins)
  7. Comfort break (10 mins)
  8. Presentation on teacher professional development (10 mins)
  9. Discussion (35 mins)
  10. Concluding remarks, next steps and close (5 mins)

WCPP partners / policy briefing authors

Manon Roberts: Catch-up interventions

Manon Roberts is a Research Associate at the WCPP.

Becki Bawler: Blended teaching and learning

Becki Bawler is a secondary school teacher in a south Wales comprehensive and is studying for a Doctorate in Education at Cardiff University, with a thesis focused on the digital development of schools. Becki is a board member of Impact Wales and sits on the EdTech Advisory Forum, part of the Education Foundation.

Harry Fletcher Wood: Teacher professional development

Harry Fletcher-Wood is a former history teacher and current educational researcher, mostly focused on teacher development. Harry works at Ambition Institute, where he leads the Teacher Educator Fellows programme. He is also studying for a PhD in Public Policy at King’s College London.

Additional project partners

Professor Jonathan Sharples, Professorial Research Fellow at the Education Endowment Foundation is advising the project. Colleagues at the Education Endowment Foundation peer reviewed the catch-up interventions and teacher professional development policy briefings.

Dr Carina Girvan, Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University, co-authored the blended teaching and learning policy briefing.
