Measuring Progress on Well-being: The Development of National Indicators

This report from the Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides advice to the Welsh Government on the development of a set of National Indicators to measure progress towards the future well-being of Wales.

The National Indicators are a key part of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The overarching aim of the Act is to improve the well-being of current and future generations, by improving both policy making and service delivery across the public sector in Wales. It sets out sevens ‘goals’ for the well-being of future generations, and obliges the Welsh Government to publish National Indicators for measuring progress towards these goals.

The report outlines a framework for identifying appropriate indicators based on the goals, a draft narrative for communicating this, and some proposed indicators for consideration.

In addition to this, the report makes some recommendations about the overall set of indicators; namely that:

  • There should be no more than 5-6 headline indicators;
  • These should be underpinned by up to a further 34-35 second tier, whole Wales indicators, making a total of no more than 40 national indicators; and
  • There should be a separate accompanying set of comparison indicators which would measure differences in outcomes as measured by some of the 40 national indicators for different parts of Wales.

This report builds on the discussion document published in February of this year which outlined a set of principles for developing an indicator set.