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Commentary 25 May 2022
Infrastructure and Wellbeing in Wales
Transport infrastructure and wellbeing objectives Transport infrastructure is most directly relevant to the following of the Welsh Government’s ‘wellbeing objectives’(Wellbeing of Wales: 2021 | GOV....
Commentary 24 May 2022
Infrastructure requirements for Wales to transition to a prosperous, sustainable economy
Understanding wealth and wellbeing   The twenty-first century will not be like the twentieth. Most obviously, the economy of the future will be low-carbon, more efficient,...
Commentary 23 May 2022
The impact of infrastructure on wellbeing in Wales
Infrastructure is inextricably linked to well-being. Good infrastructure, well-designed and well-located, developed according to sound principles and in collaboration with the end-users, will likely produce...
Commentary 14 March 2022
‘Levelling Up’: continuing the conversation
‘Levelling Up’ - used here to refer to the wider UK Government policy agenda rather than the specific Levelling Up funding stream - is predominantly...
Commentary 1 March 2022
‘Levelling Up’: a critical conversation for Wales
What does ‘levelling up’ mean in practice for Wales? While debate around the definition continues, the long awaited White Paper has now been published. However,...
Commentary 3 February 2022
Should the age of participation in education or training be raised to 18 in Wales?
Dr Matt Dickson is Reader in Public Policy at the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath. Sue Maguire is an Honorary...
Commentary 4 August 2021
Why go back to the office?
The Coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly catalysed one of the most rapid transformations in many people’s working lives for decades. UK data suggests that while 5%...
Commentary 30 June 2021
The future of Wales’ farming policy
The Welsh Government is currently developing agricultural policy proposals which aim to support farmers in adopting sustainable farming practices. Their intentions for primary legislation can...